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Expert Wedding Photographers in Wisconsin

Memorialize your special day with the highest quality. The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge provides professional wedding photographers in Wisconsin, bringing weddings and celebrations of unions to stunning life. We offer beautiful indoor and outdoor venues as excellent backdrops for wedding photos. Our wedding packages will enable you to get as many photos as you want within your budget. We’ll provide photos of your friends, family, guests, and union that you’ll cherish forever.

Happy Bride smiling

Passionate and Seasoned Wedding Photography

We have provided wedding photography for couples and their guests for years. Our photographers have years of experience capturing special moments, both little and big, and translating them into images. From your “I do’s” to wedding rings, dances, and your guests gathering to celebrate, they will ensure you’ll remember your wedding’s celebration and joy for years to come. Choose us to capture all the emotions and your loved ones with our professional photography.

Affordable and Top-Quality Wedding Photo Packages

Our wedding photo packages include:

90-100 - 4" x 6" Prints

This provides pictures during and after your ceremony and posed and outdoor pictures.

140-150 - 4" x 6" Prints

We'll take photos of your toast, each guest table before dinner, cake cutting, and bridal dance.

200-210 - 4" x 6" Prints

Our 200 to 210 package includes pictures of all wedding events before and during the ceremony.

240-250 - 4" x 6" Prints

This package includes the same as above, but with plentiful 240 to 250 photos to remember.

280-290 - 4" x 6" Prints

Our 280 to 290 package gives you the most photos, enabling you to revisit your special day anytime.

Capture Everlasting Memories With Our Photos

By choosing one of our affordable wedding packages, you and your love can revisit your wedding and adore the memories you made that day. We’ll provide clear, candid, expertly-taken photos to share with your family and friends. Our packages include high-resolution discs containing your pictures and rights to your photography. We’re here to help you select the right photo deal and begin planning the rest of your event.

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Bring Your Dream Event to Life