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Stunning Event Venue in Wisconsin

Complete Services for Wedding Days

The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge offers a full-service event venue in Wisconsin to handle all your wedding planning needs. Our offerings include event catering, photography, and decorating. We’ll handle the details of your special day so you can focus on looking forward to and enjoying it. With the guidance of our seasoned and expert planners, you’ll be able to customize your wedding, ensuring it looks, feels, and goes exactly as intended.

Decoration for Event

The Perfect Space for Your Event

We have two primary spaces that can host all kinds of events, from anniversaries to celebrations of life, retirement banquets, graduation parties, holiday parties, fundraisers, and beyond. Our outdoor space features a spacious, luxury gazebo and lush greenery for you to enjoy during nicer weather. The indoor chapel and hall offer comfort and accommodations when it’s colder, allowing you and your guests a carefree experience. We’ll help you select the right event space for your needs and purposes.

Wedding Decoration

A Warm, Welcoming, Open Environment

Our team makes weddings and events inviting and accommodating for all. We are an LGBTQAI+ friendly wedding venue, inviting couples of all orientations, their families, and friends to celebrate and cherish together. People of all religions, creeds, and beliefs can host their events and traditions here. We host religious, non-religious, denominational, and non-denominational ceremonies, providing complete support and uplifting the people we serve. You and your loved ones will feel at home with us.

Decorated Wedding Hall

Achieve the Event You Want

Whether you are throwing one wedding ceremony and reception or many, we’ll provide you with the services and guidance to make them truly special. We encourage you to take a tour of our chapel and grounds. You’ll discover a beautiful place to host your friends and family and envision how fun and happy your gathering will be. Our professional planners are available to guide and advise you and support all your event-organizing needs.


The Loft and Chapel at Cedar Ridge

N7W23827 Bluemound Road
Waukesha, WI 53188


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM